Due to the popularity of my teaching videos and resources, I am trying to improve the user experience for the thousands of teachers who have requested access to my FREE resources.  A better user experience is being built at the link below:


  1. Loved your fractions hands on activity!

    1. I am having trouble finding the guide that goes with the fractions hands on activity. I looks like a great activity!

    2. I, also am having trouble finding the guide that accompanies the construction paper "fraction kit." Can you please elaborate on how to access that. Looks like a very helpful device
      Thank you

    3. I have to apologize because the finished guide isn't completed yet, but I did post a link to some great FREE activities that will get you started. Specifically, there are two great games in the link that I spend a good chunk of instruction time using. Check the side bar for the link or following url.

    4. the package ready for fractions. I am teaching them to grade 5.

  2. I have been focusing on some powerful fraction word problems that I will be posting soon. With the activities on my online school stuff site, you should be off and running. Sorry they are not ready yet. Getting my students fraction word problems that are fun has been my focus as of late. The last link I gave to my other website didn't seem to work so I posted the link above. I hope that helps.

  3. If you click the picture above that says online school stuff, you should get some resources. I didn't make them but they are good activities.


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