Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Couldn't Believe The Reading Teachers in My School Didn't Do this to Improve ELA Scores

I was shocked to find out that I was one of the only teachers in my school doing this to teach reading.

I teach with some great teachers, but after doing a summer program with them I learned that many of them didn't even think of the benefits of teaching reading the way I was doing it!

After more than 16 years in the classroom, I thought it was an obvious way to get more reading time.

If you have ever had this complaint...

I don't have enough instructional time or...

if I only had another hour in my day or...

 I am tired of all these interruptions...

You need to maximize instruction time and believe it or not there is a simple way to boost student reading skills without any extra work on your part.

High school teachers are out of luck, this technique can only be utilized by regular ELEMENTARY classroom teachers.
I teach 4th grade, but any elementary teacher can use this to help students improve reading comprehension.

The simple technique involves teaching reading during math time.  It sounds crazy to a lot of teachers, but before I tell give you my 12 reasons why it works from my own classroom case study, I think you should try something a little unusual...

You see, my technique involves something that most teachers can't find, interesting open-ended math word problems.  I have been using these in my classroom for years, but now I am putting them in a format that all teachers can use...

Teachers are being attacked from all fronts and I have benefited from so many great FREE resources from other teachers that I thought it was about time I shared some of my own.

Most elementary teachers love ELA, but are less enthusiastic about math, but what if great stories and sharing could be done during math time?

I have 5 days of word problems that will give you a taste of how powerful math time can be to build reading skills.

These problems are written to explictly teach reading and problem strategies together.

The unique format of these problems hooks reluctant learners and engages high-flyers.

These activities are like no other math activities...

Here’s why:

A center activity for math or ELA that ACTUALLY keeps students on task!

EASY for any teacher to implement!

TEACH Common Core ELA skills and Common Core math skills at the same time!  

Works as bell-ringer, a center activity, homework or a complete lesson!

Open-ended math that challenges high-flyers while allowing struggling students to work at their own pace!

Helps FREE “teacher time” to work with struggling students!

Students learn to read and follow written directions independently!

Rigorous math disguised as art perfect for reluctant learners!

Visual learning great for ELLs!

 Discover the secrets of of using math to teach reading!  (Learn how by getting on my email list go to

Assess reading comprehension in seconds
using uncommon techniques

that gets students thinking deeply about math and working together!

Gets students using comprehension BOOSTING prereading questions, during reading and postreading questions

Triple TIME-ON-TASK by integrating three key subjects!

Helps to quickly assess math processing skills!

In addition to these word problems, I would like to share to show an actual case study where I got better reading results by teaching reading during math time.  I put the notes in an easy to use pdf.

The pdf shows you how you can put this into practice tomorrow.

If you want it, just put your email address in the box on the right.  I am just putting the finishing touches on it and I will get it out as soon as it is complete.

Honestly, it is my favorite way to teach reading comprehension strategies.  It only takes 5 minutes a day and it FREES up so much time to do the FUN reading!

1 comment:

  1. Please email me the reading booster techniques to Thanks in advance!


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